£99 Fashion Promo Package

£99 Fashion Promo Package

Designed to be affordable for small and independent retailers, our £99 Fashion Promo Package effectively showcases your shop to our readers – on our website, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

We are happy to feature any fashion-related businesses that are based in or ship to the UK, have a good quality online presence, and fit within the scope of the Fashion & Style Directory – so including shops selling clothing, footwear, jewellery, beauty products or fashion accessories.

What you get for £99

  • A 400-word quality, illustrated article about and linking to your business – written by us, it will be informative and interesting rather than a sales pitch, and published permanently on the Fashion & Style Directory website
  • The article shared to our 5,000+ fans across Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
  • A free 1-year Standard Directory Listing on the website (subsequently £29/year, if you choose to renew it)
  • Occasional shout-outs and mentions from FSDFashionTips on Twitter and Facebook throughout the first year
  • 10% discount on any CannyInsights.com consultancy services in the first year, such as web copywriting, customer surveys, market research, or social media training and support.

Buy online

Tell us about your business and make your payment below, and we’ll be in touch to discuss any more details that we need. Alternatively, drop us a line first to ask any questions, or check that the site you’re looking to promote is a suitable fit with ours!

To read about our linking policy, and have a reminder of the benefits of being featured on our site, click here.


(Don’t worry, all the details above will be safely stored while you make payment)