Passion for fashion? Make your look timeless

Having a passion for fashion is all very well and good – but how are you supposed to keep up with the latest trends?
With literally every passing of the season, people go from wearing lampshades on their head to thinking the lampshade-head trend was one of the naffest things imaginable. In such a transient industry, how are you supposed to keep your finger firmly on the pulse?
Chill your boots – it’s not always necessary to move as quickly as the fashion world.
What you need is a sense of style that’ll never look dated – a few old classics you can pull out of your wardrobe and look divine, no matter what the situation.
So we’ve come up with a few sure-fire ways to make your passion for fashion timeless.
The perfect hair
Do you wake up in the morning, glance in the mirror and spy hair that resembles a Neanderthal’s? You’re not alone – if you don’t have the right kind of shampoo, your hair will be dry and bush-like.
But those high street shampoos you’ve invested your time and money in are useless. Packed with chemicals, they’ll eventually strip your follicles of their nutrients.
Instead, try a cleansing conditioner that’s made from natural ingredients. While it won’t lather as visibly, it’ll give you cleaner hair that’ll stay peppy for longer.
Classic glamour
Take a look at those classic movie stars – the Audrey Hepburns, Marilyn Monroes and Elizabeth Taylors of this world. Even now, their pictures are still strikingly beautiful.
How do they manage to still look fashionable, no matter which direction the winds of style blow?
It’s that effortless look that gives these women their glamour. Stark blacks and whites, with occasional bursts of primary colours (a rouge lipstick, perhaps) to add a dollop of pizzazz to their look.
Take a leaf out of their book. Invest in some ’50s glam and you’ll look spiffy, whether you’re in a scuzzy nightclub or a classy cocktail party.
An ideal diet
Do you live on a steady diet of junk food, takeaways and liberal helpings of Diet Coke? Then you’re going to look as fashionable as Jim Bowen in chinos, no matter what couture you sport.
Start making like Jamie Oliver and craft culinary goodness that’ll put your diet in line with Cara Delevigne’s.
And just because your food’s healthy, it doesn’t mean it has to be dull. Combine your superfoods with zesty beets, lovely lemon juice or scintillating spaghetti sauces.
Maintain your healthy diet and you’ll be able to wear a bin bag and still look stunning.
Photo credit: Andrejs Pidjass at Stockfresh